
The First Ramadan and Eid On Our Own

Independence is bitter sweet.

This year is the first time that we, my husband and I, have to prepare for Ramadan and Eid all on our own. Since our wedding in 2013, his mom has been living with us, so she called the shots on what delights to get, how much drinks and what drinks to get, how the house is to be decorated. But since she moved out to her own place, in December last year, this will be the first year where we decide on everything for our home.

For the first time, we had to decide if we even going to get anything for Eid because previously, we had guests mostly those who were there to see my in-laws. We rarely had guests who were there to visit us (we don’t have that many friends). After much discussion, we decided to get at least something to serve the guests, in the event that we have any.

My husband went to the hypermart to get a good combination of soft drinks that consistsed of flavours that we both liked. We bought a mix of nuts for our own consumption and to serve guests, again in combinations that we liked. And limited to just 2-3 types of Eid treats that we liked best, and only 1 bottle of each. In previous years, the biscuits and tears would sit in their containers for months and eventually thrown away because there were mould. Neither me not my husband particularly liked most of them because they were too floury and not much in flavour. They just looked pretty.

We also bought a mix of potato chip flavours from a wholesaler, plus some other treats that I loved. And that was the extent of our Eid prep.

During Ramadan, our daily routine doesn’t deviate that much from our usual day to day, other than having to pick up the kids a half hour earlier so that the teachers could go home earlier to break their fasts with their families. And breakfasts isn’t served to the kids from N2 onwards, so that they learn and understand what is fasting. (My kids go to an Islamic based Preschool.) So we just give my daughter her breakfast before she goes to school.

I love that we have absolute control over how we want to prep for Eid at our house, but at the same time, I never realised there were so many things you need to consider. What we did is just the bare minimum since I’m not cooking the traditional food stuff and we’re not doing any change of decor, because frankly, I can’t be bothered.

Eid isn’t about the food or how nicely your house is decorated for that one day. It’s about the people who matter in your life. It’s more important that I meet the relatives who matter to me, or at least make an effort to show your face once a year to the relatives who don’t.

How do you prep for festive season at your home?

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