
When The Brain Is Full

Have you ever feel like your head is all full to the point of bursting? Not just with information, but also ideas and things that you want to do, things that you hope to do.

That’s what I feel like right now.

Reading has always been a very integral part of my life. Growing up, it filled me time and my head with wonderous new ideas and information. It brought me to new places, fantastical places that I wouldn’t have imagined, if it weren’t for books.

As an adult, reading keeps me updated with what I need to know for work. But recently, I was at a point where I have all this information and I don’t know what to do with it. I’ve mentioned it in a twitter thread below:

This might be a long thread about reading, and creating something out of that reading. So here we go.

Everyone reads for different reasons and everyone reads different genres and topics. One rabbit hole I followed lead to something called digital gardens, which is an interesting concept for me. You read and cultivate the information on topics that you like. Like how a gardener may nurture the plants in their garden.

This tweet specifically, which lead to a whole other rabbit hole.

Which led me to learn about https://nesslabs.com/, founded by @anthilemoon . I love love love this site because it talks about brain and mind productivity.

This is when I started dabbling with my own digital garden, trying out the different version of tiddlywiki and http://Are.na but I still didn’t know how to really use it until I found a book that was mentioned in her website.

How to take smart notes

And this book blew my mind. It basically shows me that what I’ve been doing all this while was just the tip of the ice berg in getting and retaining information.

I took the Gallup Strength and Input is one of my dominant themes. This means that I’m a hoarder.

Not so much in the physical things but information, to file away for the fun of it. And this book basically helped me to categorise the information I need into something that can be used to create out of it.

Using the Zettelskasten method created by Niklas Luhman ( I recommend reading about him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklas_Luhmann). The basic idea is categorise the different information you have in a way that you can easily recall, and allows you to connect different pieces of information together to create something new.

The book is targetted to Academics, students, and non-fiction writers. But as someone who collects information, little nuggets of info, it’s a wonderful way to put everything into context.

Because without context, it’s just useless information.

So I ended up with sticking to Tiddlyroam, a wiki type program hosted locally on my computer that gives me the ability to see how the different topics are link via a visual component.

Basically it creates a mind map without me needing to do it myself.

And treating this as an external brain. Ultimately, I’ve changed the way I read non-fiction things. I read with a notebook, to write in interesting things in my own words.

To be able to write a topic in your own words, shows that you have true understanding of that topic.

So read a lot, read widely. Take smart notes. Build your own repository of information.Create something out of that information.

Have I created something out of it? Not yet.

But I think that being able to piece all the different parts of the journey together in a twitter thread is a good start.


Read a lot, create notes, write essays.

Originally tweeted by Minty Mintea (@mintea) on 2020-09-08.

More than 2 months have passed and I haven’t really done anything yet. The hardest step is the first one. So here is what I’m going to do.

I’m going to state it out here that by end of the year, I will have a new website/blog up with 2 articles published a month. It will be about science or related to science.

Because I believe that if I don’t state it out into the universe my intention, it’s never going to happen.


Accepting My Post-baby Body

Have you ever looked in the mirror and don’t recognise the person in it?

That’s how I felt when I first saw my post partum body, after they removed the waterproof bandage over my Cesarean section. This was in 2015, and I’d just had my first child.

It took me many months to get used to the scar, and the numbness in that area from the procedure. Many months of me asking my husband, do I look ok? Do I look normal to you?

I was still trying to get used to this new body when I got pregnant the second time. And this time around, the body remembers what it’s like to be pregnant and I started showing at 3 months.

The recovery was more painful the second time around, but it could also just be that I’m older too.

Binding with an extremely long piece of cloth, instead of a regular velcro binder.

The post-partum massage and binding sessions did help in bringing my waist and tummy almost to pre-pregnancy size, but the body was still different and unrecognisable.

Breastfeeding had changed my chest. I had more stretchmarks on my tummy, the hips are wider, and the droopy, pudgy belly that I can’t seem to be rid off, is more droopy and pudgy.

Most of the time I don’t notice it because I’m almost always in a camisole. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that when I tried on a bralette that was not a nursing one, that I finally saw a glimmer of the body that I haven’t seen since I got pregnant in 2015, under the pudge, the lightening scars, and the rounder hips.

For the first time since then, I actually felt attractive, and somewhat sexy. It helped that my husband got a little handsy too.

Finally accepting the pudgy tummy

I might not be as toned as I once was, but I’m healthy, and physically stronger from carrying the kids, and I had carried 2 babies to term and birthed them successfully (albeit with some assistance). I know that I’m lucky that I didn’t put on too much weight while I was pregnant, so losing the weight was not overly difficult.

I’m still coming to terms with how different my body is now but I think I’m getting to a point where I’m proud of each scar and jiggle or excess skin.

Do you love your body they way it is? Let me know what your ideal.body is like and if you’re on the way of getting it.


The First Ramadan and Eid On Our Own

Independence is bitter sweet.

This year is the first time that we, my husband and I, have to prepare for Ramadan and Eid all on our own. Since our wedding in 2013, his mom has been living with us, so she called the shots on what delights to get, how much drinks and what drinks to get, how the house is to be decorated. But since she moved out to her own place, in December last year, this will be the first year where we decide on everything for our home.

For the first time, we had to decide if we even going to get anything for Eid because previously, we had guests mostly those who were there to see my in-laws. We rarely had guests who were there to visit us (we don’t have that many friends). After much discussion, we decided to get at least something to serve the guests, in the event that we have any.

My husband went to the hypermart to get a good combination of soft drinks that consistsed of flavours that we both liked. We bought a mix of nuts for our own consumption and to serve guests, again in combinations that we liked. And limited to just 2-3 types of Eid treats that we liked best, and only 1 bottle of each. In previous years, the biscuits and tears would sit in their containers for months and eventually thrown away because there were mould. Neither me not my husband particularly liked most of them because they were too floury and not much in flavour. They just looked pretty.

We also bought a mix of potato chip flavours from a wholesaler, plus some other treats that I loved. And that was the extent of our Eid prep.

During Ramadan, our daily routine doesn’t deviate that much from our usual day to day, other than having to pick up the kids a half hour earlier so that the teachers could go home earlier to break their fasts with their families. And breakfasts isn’t served to the kids from N2 onwards, so that they learn and understand what is fasting. (My kids go to an Islamic based Preschool.) So we just give my daughter her breakfast before she goes to school.

I love that we have absolute control over how we want to prep for Eid at our house, but at the same time, I never realised there were so many things you need to consider. What we did is just the bare minimum since I’m not cooking the traditional food stuff and we’re not doing any change of decor, because frankly, I can’t be bothered.

Eid isn’t about the food or how nicely your house is decorated for that one day. It’s about the people who matter in your life. It’s more important that I meet the relatives who matter to me, or at least make an effort to show your face once a year to the relatives who don’t.

How do you prep for festive season at your home?


The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!

It’s been a while since I’ve last blogged. 3 years. A lot of things has changed since then, and I don’t think I’m that same person anymore either.

Please stay, have a cup of tea, while we journey through this together.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
